From B-boy to Blogger: Alden Tan’s Giant Leap of Faith




If it seems like everyone and their mother suddenly has a blog, that wouldn’t be far from the truth. But, a good rule of thumb to follow these days is always chose quality over quantity.  That’s how I came across an up-and-coming supernova intent on helping people improve their lives as much as possible. I reached out to B-boy and blogger Alden Tan after reading his guest blog post featured on Corbett Barr’s Think Traffic, another solid site on how to build a thriving online audience. Tan stepped out on faith when he quit his job last year to pursue his real passion _ writing. The 20-something college grad graciously drops a few pearls of wisdom in the following interview with Tania Fuentez Media.

NOTE: All photos courtesy of Alden Tan.

TFM: Your success story as a blogger, life coach and all-around cool cat to know is awesome. How did it happen? What was the turning point to go this route?

AT: It’s just a lot of hard work and time. There’s no escaping that. I just kept writing and found out what worked for me and didn’t. As for turning points, I guess they’d be when I got over my stubbornness that I should never pay for something until I started earning money myself. So I decided to get coached online and they really helped a lot in pointing me in the right direction. Nothing ever happens overnight. It’s just hard work and grabbing opportunities when you see them.

TFM: As a dancer, what principles do you bring to the table when writing?

AT: I’ve been a B-boy for over 10 years, and that has made me the person I’m today. I bring the culture of Hip Hop and my identity as a B-boy to my daily life. I always write about that and try to include meaningful messages. Basically, I just write about my struggles and wins as a B-boy and person and include lessons to inspire people.

TFM: You quit your job, never looking back. Has it been a challenging transition from corporate world to the ever-shifting landscape of the blogosphere?

AT: It wasn’t at first because I had a lot of savings, lol. Now, having spent too much on partying and drinking (don’t ever do that), yeah, I guess it feels pretty tough at times. Money is always a factor for all of us. I don’t think any of us can escape it. The only difference is whether you want to make the choice of chasing it or not. But for real, I think all of us have challenges, it’s just how you want to see them. I took on this path, so I welcome all the challenges. Tough as they may be at times, I also get a lot of perks, which are being myself and being able to pursue my passion of writing and B-boying. Not sure if that answered your question directly, lol. I’d say, it’s challenging on the whole, but there’s a lot of love in it.



TFM: Best advice someone gave you? Best advice you’ve given so far?

AT: This was from another blogger: “When it comes to life-changing decisions, more often than not, weighing the pros and cons don’t work. They only work for your daily stuff. Otherwise, you just have to go against the fear, get out of your comfort zone and just take that leap of faith.” And that is how you truly become stronger and live the life you were meant to.

The best advice I always give to others is to follow your heart and always do what you love in life for it is too short. I realized that myself when my dad died when I was only 20. And, you don’t have to go through that just to realize life is short.

TFM: What’s next for Alden Tan?

AT: Oh man, always dancing and writing! I recently revamped my blog with a new look and focus. I’m bring it to the next level in terms of marketing and business. I’ll never compromise my authenticity and unique voice in my writing, but well, I definitely gotta do what I gotta do to find out what makes my blog a business!

Alden Tan is a passionate breakdancer and blogger. He writes about living life on your own terms and doing what you love. And, he has a new free report that helps you achieve just that!


Alden Tan: Revive Your Life:

Alden Tan new course:

Carol Tice’s Make a Living Writing: Make a Living Writing

4 thoughts on “From B-boy to Blogger: Alden Tan’s Giant Leap of Faith

  1. Nice interview ! I like what he said about weighing pros and cons because it implies that we know what’s going to happen in the future, and a lot of times, no matter what, we just don’t.

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